A Study Group of one does not research make!

I blog to record my thoughts and as a research diary...and your comments areĀ welcome so I am not a data set of one.

Create social change by reading dangerously brene brown organic intellectuals phd resistance to the staus quo Jan 31, 2024

Would you rather accept the status quo of whatever pisses you to your core, or, challenge your own thinking around the status quo by reading...

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Today I start my Industry Partnership with Typeface Books brene brown industry partnership organic intellectuals phd Jan 29, 2024

Today is the first day of the rest of my life as I start my internship with Typeface Books in Perth. Thank God because it has been a dreadful and...

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Milestone done: Confirmation of Candidature book club brene brown confirmation of candidature (coc) phd resistance to the staus quo social work Jan 18, 2024

I lived beyond the distress of having my PhD project assessed by the Brainy Bunch: Professor Jacqueline Ewart, Dr Leanne McRae and Dr Debbie...

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Reflections on the eve of my Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) book club confirmation of candidature (coc) gramsci phd Jan 15, 2024

Tomorrow, my Candidature as a PhD student studying social and cultural resistance to the status quo via reading as an act of resistance, is...

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Why bother with Gramsci's wife: Julia Schucht book review gramsci phd Jan 07, 2024

In the waves of feminism, there is no separation between the personal and the political. The personal is political. I have long ascribed to this...

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What's the difference between a traditional and organic intellectual? organic intellectuals phd Jan 06, 2024

Eager to find a popular culture reference to illustrate the difference between an organic and a traditional intellectual, I was pleased to search...

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Leadership lesson: Words of affirmation from my supervisor communication phd Jan 01, 2024

Great leaders and organic intellectuals speak in ways people can understand them. They communicate specifically to help the other understand and...

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What's in your dash? phd popular culture social work Dec 24, 2023

Integral to my PhD research is the question, "What's in your dash?" This is where the question comes from:

The Dash, by Linda Ellis

I read of a man...

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What a holiday for a PhD student looks like. gramsci phd popular culture social work Dec 22, 2023

We're on a road trip to spend Christmas with our daughter in Melboure. First we flew 1500 km and then drove 1800 km. For a PhD student, this...

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Final read submission of research proposal book club phd social work Dec 16, 2023

My PhD Research Proposal (RP) is handed in for a final read to my wonderful principal supervisor, Professor Tara Brabazon. Subsequently, my...

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) phd social work Dec 14, 2023

Members of professional organisations must meet set Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours to keep their membership. Similarly, Higher...

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Confirmation of Candidature digital seminar preparation personal development phd Dec 13, 2023

Nowadays Australian Universities have a Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) six months into a PhD program rather than toward the end. Mine...

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