What a holiday for a PhD student looks like.

gramsci phd popular culture social work Dec 22, 2023

We're on a road trip to spend Christmas with our daughter in Melboure. First we flew 1500 km and then drove 1800 km. For a PhD student, this equates to MUCH listening to Audible.

My principal supervisor, Professor Tara Brabazon, advised to touch the PhD every day so as not to lose the flow. That is exactly what I've done. 

Thanks to Audible, I've finished reading Antonio Gramsci: Life of a revolutionary. I've also done much thinking, deconstructing and chapter sorting in my head...because I had reflective time and the space to achieve it.

I joined the White Board Soiree until my Google Maps interpretive skills were required by my husband-driver, had contact with another PhD student in Melbourne, attending DoH today and have sought out second hand bookshops to buy philosophical texts by Gramsci, Brown and Lived Experience authors.

I picked up new books from Readings at St Kilda and immediately started Wifedom by Anna Funder. Read my Instagram brief review here.

Given the time and space for reflection, I realised the lingering power of poetry to my life memories. Not only am I using The Dash ( a long time favourite of mine) in my PhD but visiting The Dog on the Tuckerbox at Gundagai bought back memories of teaching the kids stories and folk lore through poetry.

Best of all, I submitted my Research Proposal, abstract, bio and photo. The work flow notifies my supervisor to set the date for my online seminar presentation and defense of my PhD project. If you want to attend the online presentation just drop me a note below.

After Digital Office Hours today it is time for focusing on family for the long Christmas weekend. Between the merriment I will be reading because, confession, I cannot put Wifedom down! 

From our home to yours, I wish you a happy and safe holiday. I long for peace and goodwill to all, including Israeli, Palestinian, Russian and Ukrainian. 

👵 Megan Bayliss

🎓 PhD Candidate: resistance to the status quo