A Study Group of one does not research make!

I blog to record my thoughts and as a research diary...and your comments areĀ welcome so I am not a data set of one.

What do aphorisms, motivational and inspirational quotes do? phd Aug 02, 2024

An unexpected rabbit hole from my PhD data analysis is how frequently participants focused on quotes from Brene Brown books. Several...

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Writing a research paper for my first International Conference Presentation phd social work Jul 30, 2024

I am terrified. I am overwhelmed. I am self-doubting and I don't know where to begin. I HAVE to get my paper written so I can move on with the rest...

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The National book that keeps you where it wants you to be phd resistance to the staus quo Jul 29, 2024

Every country has a classic national book list: a literary identity of stories that encompass the spirit and artistic worth of the people of the...

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The end of an Industry Partnership so to speak industry partnership phd speaking Jul 01, 2024

Punctuation. It's important. Punctuation makes words, life, predictable and followable for an individual. It positions a reader into your thoughts...

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Resistance is useful change phd resistance to the staus quo Jun 18, 2024

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory (Sayers 2021) talks of the interface between three parts of the psyche: the id, ego and superego. Often...

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Change of island for me as I complete my data collection norfolk island phd May 27, 2024

I've moved back to the big island, West Norfolk (mainland Australia). I am living in SEQld for the duration of my data collection and analysis. The...

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Interpretations of the written word brene brown phd Apr 27, 2024

I am motivated by a discussion facilitated by Professor Tara Brabazon at Digital Office Hours on the 26.4.24 (see 47.49)....

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Death and dashes: Observations of PhD disruptions. phd Apr 26, 2024

Life can be so confronting. Hurtful. Fleeting. Hard. Doing a PhD does not make you immune. Life still gets in the way and needs dealing...

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Use your debriefing skills / raise your profile book club brene brown phd Apr 20, 2024

Calling Mental Health students and professionals. I need a few volunteer colleagues to attend my PhD data collection online Brene Brown book clubs...

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Contribute to PhD research: make a difference by discussing a Brene Brown book you read.Ā  bibliotherapy book club brene brown phd popular culture psychoeducation Apr 15, 2024

Have you ever: 

  1. faced a life-changing experience that created a mental well-being challenge for you, AND  
  2. read one of Brene...
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E.P Thompson. Writing by Candlelight dissenting intellectual marxism phd Apr 03, 2024

I am capturing this seminal dissenting intellectal's text here as it is not available as a downloadable Pdf or in ebook format...and I really want...

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Resisting the urge to run and hide equals vulnerability phd read resistance to the staus quo Mar 27, 2024

Today as I vulnerably await an outcome on my research ethics application that uses online book clubs as both methodology and method, I have read a...

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