A Study Group of one does not research make!

I blog to record my thoughts and as a research diary...and your comments areĀ welcome so I am not a data set of one.

Interpretations of the written word brene brown phd Apr 27, 2024

I am motivated by a discussion facilitated by Professor Tara Brabazon at Digital Office Hours on the 26.4.24 (see 47.49)....

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Use your debriefing skills / raise your profile book club brene brown phd Apr 20, 2024

Calling Mental Health students and professionals. I need a few volunteer colleagues to attend my PhD data collection online Brene Brown book clubs...

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Contribute to PhD research: make a difference by discussing a Brene Brown book you read.Ā  bibliotherapy book club brene brown phd popular culture psychoeducation Apr 15, 2024

Have you ever: 

  1. faced a life-changing experience that created a mental well-being challenge for you, AND  
  2. read one of Brene...
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Resist or protest your way brene brown resistance to the staus quo Apr 03, 2024

I am born with resistance in my blood. I am a child of the 1960s, the daughter of a regular army officer who did three tours of Vietnam (the...

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Observations of Lead with Courage workshop in Brisbane brene brown industry partnership phd Mar 24, 2024

A long held intention to attend a Dare to Lead training came to fruition, albeit for different reasons than originally intended. I initially came...

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Book Review: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown book review brene brown industry partnership Mar 06, 2024

Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead, by Brene Brown (2012) is a book of hope. Hope...

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Disrupting the derisory against Brene Brown brene brown phd Feb 02, 2024

The volume of sales and the popularity of her digital works suggests that Professor Brene Brown as an organic intellectual is hugely popular....

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Create social change by reading dangerously brene brown organic intellectuals phd resistance to the staus quo Jan 31, 2024

Would you rather accept the status quo of whatever pisses you to your core, or, challenge your own thinking around the status quo by reading...

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Today I start my Industry Partnership with Typeface Books brene brown industry partnership organic intellectuals phd Jan 29, 2024

Today is the first day of the rest of my life as I start my internship with Typeface Books in Perth. Thank God because it has been a dreadful and...

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Milestone done: Confirmation of Candidature book club brene brown confirmation of candidature (coc) phd resistance to the staus quo social work Jan 18, 2024

I lived beyond the distress of having my PhD project assessed by the Brainy Bunch: Professor Jacqueline Ewart, Dr Leanne McRae and Dr Debbie...

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