A Study Group of one does not research make!

I blog to record my thoughts and as a research diary...and your comments areĀ welcome so I am not a data set of one.

Book Review: The Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson book review resistance to the staus quo Aug 05, 2024

The Wartime Book ClubThe Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I needed to be banned from reading this book because, like a person with an...

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The National book that keeps you where it wants you to be phd resistance to the staus quo Jul 29, 2024

Every country has a classic national book list: a literary identity of stories that encompass the spirit and artistic worth of the people of the...

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Resistance is useful change phd resistance to the staus quo Jun 18, 2024

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory (Sayers 2021) talks of the interface between three parts of the psyche: the id, ego and superego. Often...

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Resist or protest your way brene brown resistance to the staus quo Apr 03, 2024

I am born with resistance in my blood. I am a child of the 1960s, the daughter of a regular army officer who did three tours of Vietnam (the...

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Resisting the urge to run and hide equals vulnerability phd read resistance to the staus quo Mar 27, 2024

Today as I vulnerably await an outcome on my research ethics application that uses online book clubs as both methodology and method, I have read a...

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Create social change by reading dangerously brene brown organic intellectuals phd resistance to the staus quo Jan 31, 2024

Would you rather accept the status quo of whatever pisses you to your core, or, challenge your own thinking around the status quo by reading...

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Milestone done: Confirmation of Candidature book club brene brown confirmation of candidature (coc) phd resistance to the staus quo social work Jan 18, 2024

I lived beyond the distress of having my PhD project assessed by the Brainy Bunch: Professor Jacqueline Ewart, Dr Leanne McRae and Dr Debbie...

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