A Study Group of one does not research make!

I blog to record my thoughts and as a research diary...and your comments areĀ welcome so I am not a data set of one.

How to immediately absolve focus and develop a long term caring side. change relationships social work Apr 29, 2021

Group and team work is interesting. You need just the right mix of people to oil the machine nicely to ensure that a healthy balance of task,...

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How to quickly reach someone by talking to them in their love language communication relationships Apr 23, 2021

You know how it is at work; some colleagues do not like to be spoken to or praised (embarrassing much) whereas others cry behind the stationary...

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How to get people to respect your personal boundaries. communication relationships Apr 01, 2021

What are personal boundaries? The best way to get someone to respect them is to first define them for someone who doesn't know them?

‍ We...

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3 Hardly Known Things About Megan. Shhhh....it's vulnerable information relationships Mar 29, 2021

A heroine of mine, Brene Brown, Social Work researcher, talks about vulnerability.

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that...

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Fertilise and grow good relationships book review relationships Feb 15, 2021

Any long term lover, friend or parent will tell you that intimate relationships with family or friends are hard work and need constant...

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