3 Hardly Known Things About Megan. Shhhh....it's vulnerable information

relationships Mar 29, 2021

A heroine of mine, Brene Brown, Social Work researcher, talks about vulnerability.

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.”

Well here goes (and I hope she's right because I'm feeling the vulnerability and telling my story anyway!):

Wednesday is our 14th wedding anniversary. I nearly said no to him when he proposed because....I was scared. I was hurt. I was exhausted by life.

The video explains why. It's short. Watch it to understand.

I feel vulnerable exposing myself to you because I don't want to be judged or thought ill of. I don't want to lose your support.

I want to have transparent and compassionate communications with you all.

If my status as a bad woman bothers you then please, don't learn from my professional knowledge AND experience.

What would absolutely make my day and let me know that I haven't been judged is if YOU would recommend my 3 Perfect Frameworks for Communications to your friends/colleagues/family.

That would be the best anniversary present ever.

Till next we communicate, Mxxxxx