Coach Bayliss: Privacy Policy

Effective date:9/09/2022


Personal Information that Coach Bayliss collects and holds, how and why:

Coach Bayliss collects information in three different ways -

  1. by your entry into a web form as you subscribe to our goods and services (we seek location specific information to cut down spam and ensure we include you only in information about deliverables to your area).
  2. Hand written notes MAY be taken during supervision or coaching sessions AND an email folder opened under your name in a supervision file. Emails to/from you are kept in the folder. Emails to you frequently contain the content of hand written notes. This is so you have evidence of our sessions to supply to your own professional body if required.
  3. Zoom cloud recordings of supervision, coaching or peer supervision sessions MAY be kept but only with YOUR verbal permission. Our preference is to send you copies of these recordings, again for evidence reasons.

Confidentiality and Limitations to:

Your personal one-on-one coaching or supervision information is accessible only by Megan Bayliss. Her computer for recording (if recorded) is kept in an office that is not shared and is locked. 

Coach Bayliss expects collective confidentiality in any group platform (peer supervision, for example). This will be verbally stated every session as a condition of the group activity.

Coach Bayliss has 3 limitations to confidentiality 

  1. If you are under the age of 18 and tell us that someone is hurting you, we follow ethical, moral and legal reporting guidelines.
  2. If you tell us that you are going to put somebody else at harm (kill/maim) we take that very seriously and we will intervene by seeking help.
  3. If you tell us you are going to kill yourself. We intervene.

How to access any information kept about you: 

Pick up the phone and ring Coach Bayliss +672355512 or put your request in writing to her at [email protected] . 

Megan operates from a Feminist Philosophy that mandates she does not own your information, YOU DO. 

Other Disclosures of Personal Information:

We would never willingly give your personal information to anyone else that we do not have your permission to talk to. We take confidentiality very seriously AND we hate spam!

Of course, we use some third party applications to collect and store your information but we cannot be held responsible for any breaches to their systems (we will be affected too if that happens).

What if a third party privacy breach happens?

If ever there is a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, we will immediately notify OAIC AND let you know too. Similarly, you can report to them if you think we are not taking things seriously.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

  • By email: [email protected]
  • By visiting this page on our website: [[ Contact Website Link ]]
  • By phone number: +672355512