Will you honour me to reMember-ship you to greatness in July

change mentoring Apr 12, 2021

The annual membership tier is in full creative flare. As of July 1, 2021, Megan Bayliss t/a The Junk Wave is moving into membership driven Cubes of Knowledge with either an annual up front payment (carries a discount of two months) or monthly payment.

As a new member, or a re-member (existing supervisees taking up the option) you can subscribe for one of 4 things:

  1. Community level - Access all the online training programs.
  2. Compassion level - Access all the online training programs + Monthly Peer Support hour with Megan (and others) + a monthly book club.
  3. Confidence level - Access all the online training programs + Monthly Peer Support hour with Megan (and others) + a monthly book club + a monthly individual supervision/coaching session + access to a  resource cube.
  4. Competence level - Human Service/Community Agencies can retain Megan Bayliss as a Virtual Locum for 120 hrs over a 12 week period: along with ALL of the above you get to use Megan as an extra staff member for sitting on interview panels, writing service/best practice manuals, making resources...whatever you need an external Social Work locum to do for you. * 1 only available each quarter.

Which one suits you best? Each has benefits that are dependent on your needs and whether you are emerging, entrenched or managing in the human and community services.

It's easy to choose the cube you need:

  • Managers and CEO's: want me to do something bespoke for you? Competence Cube (you get EVERYTHING else too).
  • Want to continue/get one on one supervision? Confidence Cube (this includes monthly peer supervision, a monthly book club AND access to all my resources and online trainings).
  • Just want peer supervision with students, new and experienced human and community service workers across the world? Compassion Cube (this includes access to all the online trainings).
  • Just want to learn some things before job interviews or complete online training for CPD reasons? Community Cube is what you need.

How do you find out more? Just stay on this newsletter list - or, as one clever Not for Profit agency is doing, they are talking to me now to work out their time, talent and money before the new financial year.

Send this post to a friend who needs it, or share to your Social Media page. Tell them to sign up to the list (below). We all need a cubic measure of confidence, competence, compassion and community.

Until we talk again,
