Take the 30 Day Clear Communication Challenge

communication emelligence Mar 29, 2021

Let's use our socials for good: to practice clear communication and to increase our emotional intelligence.

Go live or write a post every day for 30 days using the formula for clear communication (if you haven't got it, opt-in to the 3 Perfect Frameworks for Communications below): 

A. I feel...(insert feeling)

B. when you...(insert the behaviour)

C. because...(insert your thinking about the behaviour).

Before you post it, hashtag me so I can find it on facebook or instagram and drop in to support you. #exjunkhead #emelligence #thejunkwave

The video above makes it clear and tells you how many feeling words there are to choose from.

I feel grateful when you guys play along with the challenge because I know that practice makes it easier to remember the life changing formula.

If you'd like all my handouts around formulas, handouts for clients, words to use and questions to ask in counselling/coaching/teaching, then you'll be very interested in the membership packages that are coming up - In one of the packages you get EVERYTHING that I have (including a weekly practice session with me).

Till next we interact, Mxxxx