Publishing deals helped via social media following

book club Jun 28, 2024
Coach Bayliss
Publishing deals helped via social media following

Want to one day get a publishing deal with a big publisher? Listen to a sobering quantitative tip straight from the mouth of Australia's number one author of small business books, the very approachable human and wombat loving, Andrew Griffiths.

If you've ever wondered why you bother doing social media, sweating over your weekly newsletter, or why you juggle to keep an audience warm, then Andrew's insight into the number-of-followers-before-traditional-publishers-will-touch-you, may well be the motivation you need.

I had a conversation with Andrew sparked by this post on LinkedIn (hey, follow me there if you don't mind - I absolutely want a publishing deal after my thesis is completed) about the voracity of a self-published book verses a book that is picked up by a big publisher.

Publishing is not just about getting your book paid for and distributed into book shops: it is about YOU helping to disseminate your information. If you don't have a ready-made audience, how will you ever reach best-selling status or sell even 500 books? Publishers need you to help sell a book they have taken a risk on.

Click the audio file above (where the pic is) to listen to Andrew's magic suggestion. It's a maximum two-minute sound bite from a 40-minute interview.

To get the full interview with the expertise-generous Andrew, you are going to have to buy my book once published. The data I am collecting at book clubs has surprised me on a number of levels and there's stuff you are going to want to know about the organic dissemination of psychoeducation, bibliotherapy and the ways people resist the status quo. It is NOT what I thought.

Not a LinkedIn user? Follow me here on facebook; or here on Instagram. Follow Andrew Griffiths as well - he is a great bloke that I knew from my Cairns days and he moved to my favourite Australian city just to rub cold salt into my warm wounds!

I'm doing Andrew's four day "Build a World Class Speaker Retreat" in Hobart at the end of August. I would love to have you join me to set up our speaking businesses together. I don't know about you but I've always fancied standing on the balcony of the Casa Rosada addressing a massive crowd - hence the cover pic taken at the stage play Evita in Melbourne ;) Seriously, Andrew is a brilliant orator AND teacher, so I am happy to brave cold Hobart in winter to learn from him. Just because I'm going doesn't mean I'm not going to whine about the cold though! 

👵🏻 Megan Bayliss: Social Work Supervisor

👩🏻‍🎓 PhD Candidate: social and cultural resistance to the status quo.