Mentor the change, today, for the sake of your grandchildren's future.

change mentoring Feb 15, 2021

The past tells us who we are. It is important to learn from history...and move forward into the future with an informed mindset of how NOT to be.

If we are to learn from our mistakes, and the mistakes of our ancestors, then we have to practice doing things differently.

And I'm not just talking about wearing rose coloured glasses: there are actions we have to take if we want the future to be different to the past.

That's why we have the present - it is practice time to make our futures better than the past.

PR - practice AC - acute TI - time CE - censoring

When you practice acute time censoring, you become focused on separating behaviours and practices of the past, to the present, to the future...and you have a formula for ensuring that the past does not dictate your future.

You know how it is said that you are what you eat: not strictly true. You are what your grandparents ate.

Epigenetics (the study of events on top of" or "in addition to" the traditional genetic basis for inheritance) tells us that everything that happened to your grandparents has the ability to hold you in a pattern of experiencing what they experienced: unless you purposely and acutely work to change those patterns NOW.

So, while history tells us who we are, YOU can change the future by creating new experiences that will positively affect your grandchildren.

PR - practice AC - acute TI - time CE - censoring

The past is the past. Your future depends on what you do today: your grandchildren's future depends on what you do today!

Want help to PR - practice AC - acutely TI - time CE - censoring? Happy to have a change conversation with you about mentoring. Contact me today - your grandchildren's future depends on it.