How to WIN Career Support and Create POWERFUL International Networks

cubic knowledge May 31, 2021

If you are in the Human or Community Services, at any level, or are thinking about entering our sector (from working in aged/residential care through to going to uni to do Social Work/Psychology or similar) I have something for you.

Our people industry is a wonderful place to work. It does, however, get really busy and we all need debriefing, support, extra training and a whole lot of love and support.

WIN that support from me - an elder and wise woman of the sector,

Just by:

  1. Liking my Instagram and/or Facebook page
  2. Sharing this post to your Instagram or Facebook page, AND
  3. Being on my newsletter list (only one email a week - I HATE spam and will not replicate despicable spammy behaviour)

No matter where you live, you can WIN one year worth of cubic knowledge to The Junk Wave's online

  • Resource Cube (access to all the resources usually only available to the top two cubes)
  • Peer Supervision (once a month over Zoom)
  • Book Club (a book a month discussed over Zoom)
  • Online Trainings (with a new one added every month).

Value = $1100.

So, go check that you: :

Bonus entry for you when you refer a contact who also enters the draw (your contact needs to tell me who referred them).

Drawn on a LIVE on Thursday July 1, 2021 (IF the winner has already purchased membership of Community or Compassion, it will be refunded to you). Confidence or Competence memberships will get partial reimbursement)

Note: You have to remain on the newsletter list because that is how your win is measured, announced and collected. The prizes do not include any one on one or bespoke support). This prize is not related to any individual, business or platform other than Megan Bayliss of The Junk Wave.