How to disrupt your perfect dinner party by sharing what you do for work

social work webinar Apr 19, 2021

I kid you not: I used to end dinner parties by talking about incest or sexual assault.

True story. In my younger days of managing sexual assault services (when I had enough energy to hold lovely dinner parties) I hadn't quiet learned that people were scare off by the topic of child sexual abuse.

And now the pleasure has come full circle :) 

It is my great pleasure, on behalf of the AASW Far North Queensland Branch's Careers and Practice webinar Series, to present a Cairns based Social Work colleague as she discusses this very dinner party topic: "What do you do for work? Um…"

Sandi Brown is an Early Childhood Educator and Social Worker with over 20 years of experience working with children and families. Sandi is passionate about children’s right personal and sexual safety. Sandi manages a children’s sexual abuse counselling service that works with children who have experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault and those who display problematic or harmful sexual behaviours.

Date: Friday 23 April 2021

Time: 12noon-12.30pm (Brisbane)

Venue: Online. Zoom link provided on registration. REGISTER HERE.

Who: Open Australia wide to students and Human Service workers interested in learning about the types of jobs there are in the Sexual Assault sector.